Scheduled Distribution

Scheduled publications, advanced alerts, and subscriptions can be distributed to a chosen list of recipients using Pyramid's bulletin board, an email address, or Webhook channel. Alerts and subscriptions can also be distributed by phone message.

Scheduled content can be viewed and downloaded from the Bulletin Board. When scheduled content is distributed via email, phone, or Webhook, the recipients receive a message letting them know that the scheduled content is available for them in Pyramid. If the schedule-builder added a link to their message template, the recipients can directly access the scheduled content item via that link.

It's possible to configure multiple distribution methods for a single schedule. For instance, you may want to distribute an alert to a role group using the Bulletin Board, to business users using email, to your own team using Slack, and to your direct manager by SMS.

Bulletin Board

Scheduled content can be distributed to a list of Pyramid users or roles via the Bulletin Board. This is a good option if you want to share your scheduled content with other Pyramid users, within the Pyramid system. When the schedule job runs successfully, the recipients will get a bulletin board notification; they can then go directly to the relevant feed and view or download the distributed content.

Bulletin Board distribution is available for publications, alerts, and subscriptions. Alerts and subscriptions can be distributed to a static list of users or roles, while publications can be distributed to a static or dynamic list.

Scheduled model jobs that you've execute will also be listed in your own Bulletin Board.

  • Click here to learn more about bulletin board distribution.


Email distribution is used to distribute scheduled messages to a list of email addresses. Alerts and subscriptions can be distributed to a static list of emails, while publications can be distributed to a static or dynamic list.

Email distribution may include a link to the item in Pyramid; this will allow recipients to access the scheduled content quickly via the link. Publication scheduling also enables you to send the publication as an attachment (if you have the Report Bursting license), allowing you to share reports with colleagues outside of the Pyramid system.

Email distribution requires the email messaging be enabled from the Admin console.

Note: sending a publication as an attachment is available with the Report Bursting license only.

  • Click here to learn more about email distribution.


Distribution to phone is available for alert and subscription scheduling. When the schedule job is run, an SMS will be sent to the given list of phone recipients. Phone messaging services must be enabled from the Admin console in order to configure SMS distribution.

  • Click here to learn more about phone distribution.


Channel distribution allows you to distribute scheduled publications, alerts, and subscriptions to a Webhook channel. You can configure distribution to a channel in Slack or Microsoft Teams, or provide another channel URL where the content should be sent.

Note: Webhooks channel distribution is available with the Enterprise Edition license only.

  • Click here to learn more about Webhooks channel distribution.